Nodejs loopback restful api with authentication tutorial

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NodeJS loopback RESTful API

Modern web and mobile apps often need to access backend servers using RESTful APIs. In this tutorial, you will learn to create a NodeJS loopback restful API with authentication. A bookstore API is created using Nodejs, MongoDB, and loopback. After that token based authenticated API is created. In a previous tutorial, we explored how to create NodeJS MongoDB RESTful API.

What is the loopback?

Loopback is an extensible nodejs framework. You can create dynamic APIs with loopback very easily.

Using Loopback you can 

Create CLI based apps

Setup token based authentication

Create data models for database

nodejs loopback restful api tutorial

In this tutorial, following tasks are performed to create a nodejs loopback restful API

Install and run MongoDB, NodeJS, and NPM

Install loopback-cli module

Create a NodeJS loopback RESTful API

Create a new user

Login and logout a user

Setup token for authenticated requests

Create a Book Model

Fetch books information using Get HTTP method

Create a book using a  POST HTTP method with a token

Install and run MongoDB

In this nodejs loopback RESTful API, MongoDB database is used. To install MongoDB, visit MongoDB website, download and install it. For more information on setting up MongoDB locally, read this article.

Install NodeJS and NPM

Next, install NodeJS. Visit nodejs website, download and install. NPM is also installed with NodeJS installation. NPM is package manager for nodejs applications. Using NPM, packages and modules are installed.

Install loopback cli module

In order to create a nodejs loopback restful API, you need to install loopback cli module. Open command line and type.

npm i -g loopback-cli

Create nodejs loopback restful API

To create nodejs loopback restful API, lb command is used. On command line type


This command opens a wizard on the command line. Select the options given below.

nodejs loopback rest api

Enter the name of the application as nodejs-loopback-restful-API, the name of the directory is the same as the application.

Select loopback latest version. For kind of application select api-server. Next, select default options.

nodejs loopback restful api app

Loopback is installed with required dependencies. Change the directory using cd nodejs-loopback-restful. To run the application, type

node .

To view the running application, open browser, and type URL.



noodejs loopback rest api

You can view the output as a timestamp and uptime. To browse the nodejs loopback RESTful API, open /explorer route


Nodejs loopback restful API explorer

You can view API, a User model with RESTful endpoints are created. Click on Users link and you can see all the requests with GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH HTTP methods. These requests are generated by loopback.

Loopback also provides login, logout, and user creation methods. Authentication can also be added to methods. If you start developing these methods with NodeJS and Express, it would be very complex and consumes a lot of time.

nodejs loopback restful api user endpoint


nodejs loopback restful api

The file structure of the project

Open project in your favorite IDE such as Sublime text, Atom or Brackets. You can view different directories and files like the client, common, server, and package.json.

nodejs loopback restful api

 Server directory contains boot folder, that has authenticates.js and root.js files. Other important files are config.json, datasource.json, and model-config.json.

Open datasource.json in the server directory. The default data source is the memory. MySQL, MongoDB, RedisPostgreSQL and more can be used. In this tutorial, MongoDB data source is used.

Create a MongoDB connector

In the datasource.json directory, you can view current db settings as memory. As Loopback RESTful API connects to MongoDB. A MongoDB connector is added.

"db": {
    "name": "db",
    "connector": "memory"

To add MongoDB as the connector, type following command on CLI.

$ npm install --save loopback-connector-mongodb

After adding MongoDB connector, let us add MongoDB data source.

Add MongoDB data source

To add MongoDB data source, type command.

$ lb datasource mongoDS --connector mongoDB

In the command above data source name is mongoDS, with –connector flag, MongoDB is added. As you press enter, a wizard is run.

nodejs mongodb restful api mongodb connector

Name of a data source is mongoDS. Select the connector as MongoDB. There are other choices like Mysql, Oracle. PostgreSQL, Redis, and Cassandra etc.

nodejs loop back restful api

Fro connection string, enter host as localhost, port as 27017, leave user and password as blank. Enter books as the database. If you open datasource.json, mogoDS config settings can be seen in the file.

"mongoDS": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 27017,
    "url": "",
    "database": "books",
    "password": "",
    "name": "mongoDS",
    "user": "",
    "connector": "mongodb"

remove default db datasource and add the new mongDS config to db.

"db": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 27017,
    "url": "",
    "database": "books",
    "password": "",
    "name": "mongoDS",
    "user": "",
    "connector": "mongodb"

In other files like model.config.js, db datasource is referred a default data source. Now MongoDB is connected with API.

Create a model for book

In this tutorial, a bookstore API is created so a model is created with the name book.

lb model

A wizard runs and it asks for the model name as the book, connector to attach is db connector, the model class is PersistedModel. This model is going to be exposed via a RESTful API.

nodejs loopback restful api

Next is to add properties to the book model.

nodejs loopbakc restful api


Book model is going to have nameauthor, category as the string, price as the number date_published as date property. When you are done with adding properties, Press enter key and wizard ends.

If you open common directorythere is a model directory created, with a book.js and book.json files.  In the book.json file, you can view all the properties that are added while creating the model. If you restart the server. Open the browser and go to  URL explorer


You can see the book model link.

Nodejs loopback restful API book route

Click on book route. All HTTP methods available for a book can be viewed.

nodejs loopback rest api

HTTP methods required for add, edit, delete or view books are added by API.

View books GET method

Click on GET /books route. On-screen click on Try it out button. A request is sent to the route


Response code 200 and empty array is returned as result. The empty response is returned because no books are present in the database.

nodejs loopback restful api

nodejs loopback restful api

Add a new book using nodejs loopback restful API

Let us add a new book using loopback API. Click on POST /Books method. In data textarea, add book information. Click on Try It Out button. After Book is added successfully. A response code 200 and new generated Id is returned.

nodejs loopback restful api

Book model has name, price, author, category, and date published fields.

Click on GET /books method and then on Try it out, You can view the newly added book. If you open MongoDB command line and type

show dbs

It will show all databases in MongoDB. Type command use books, the database is changed to books. Type show tables. Then type command



nodejs loopback restful api result



Using API, requests can be made to Book and User methods.

Add ACL or Access Control List to book model

To restrict access to add, edit, delete or display information to the authenticated users only, ACL feature can be added. Go to the command line and type

lb acl

ACL is applied to the book model’s methods and properties. nodejs loopback restful api

Open GET /books route and click on Try it out. A 401 response code with a message Authorization Required is returned.

nodejs loopback restful api authorization required


Using any other method, same 401 response is returned. The application needs an access token to perform requests. So a user is logged in and access token is sent back. The token is set for all subsequent requests. Implementing token-based authentication for HTTP method is very easy using Loopback API.

Add a new user

Click on Post /Users route. In data, textarea add a user email as and password as 12345. Click on Try it out.


  "email": "",

  "password": "12345"


nodejs loopback restful api

The response code 200 and user email and id returned.

nodejs loopback restful api response for create user

Login using nodejs loopback restful API

Click on Users /POST login route. Enter user credentials as a JSON in textarea.

   "email": "",
   "password": "12345"

Click Try it out, If the user is login is successful a response code 200 and an access token is returned.

nodejs restful api get access token

nodejs loopback restful api response toekn

Id field contains token. Copy access token and paste it in the textbox. Click on Set AccessToken.

Set access token for the API

nodejs loopback rest api token not set


After the token is set the message Token not set is changed to Token Set.

nodejs loopback restful api token set

Get Books with Access Token

Click on GET /Books route and Click on Try it out. Books data can be viewed.

nodejs loopback restful api with access token

Logging out of the API

Click on User /logout method. Click on Try it out. User is logged out.

nodejs loopback restful api logout user

If you access GET /books or POST books route, a message Authorization Required is returned.

Ideally, the user should view books without any authentication. But can add, edit, delete books after authentication.

Update ACL for the book model

All unauthenticated users are denied access to the Book Model. Only Write operations should be denied access. On the command line, type command.

lb acl

nodejs loopback restful api write access


Select access type as Writerole to any unauthenticated user and permission to explicitly deny access.

GET Books List

Open GET /Book route. You can view books list without login, but you will not be able to add, edit or delete a book.

Login, set access token and add a book

Open Users/login, After login, copy the new access token and set in the textbox. Next, open POST /Books. Add a new book and click on Try It Out. A new book as added successfully and a response code 200 is returned to the user.


To summarize, in this nodejs loopback restful API tutorial, you learned to create an app using loopback commands. Created a model and performed CRUD operations using API

You can download or clone the tutorial code from this GitHub repository.nodejs loopback restful api github repo source code


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