How to watermark images using php GD library

watermark images using php - featured image

Last updated:28th May, 2020How to watermark images using php PHP GD library has very cool features to manipulate images. Images can be resized, cropped, rotated or watermarked. In several web applications, you need to add dynamic images or add a watermark to images.  In a previous tutorial we explored how to manipulate images using gd library and watermark images with codeigniter. …

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How to create RESTful web services in codeigniter

restful web services in codeigniter

Last updated:24th April, 2021RESTful web services in codeigniter RESTful web services are a way of communication among computer systems. REST services are based on REST architecture. World wide web has resources like images, videos, web pages and other business information. Web service clients use URIs to request these resources. Response to the web service request can be in JSON, HTML, …

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How to create web services in php using NuSOAP library

web services in php

Last updated:7th April, 2024How to create web services in php Web services are software available on internet. They can communicate and provide information to client programs based on XML messaging. In this tutorial we are going to learn about how to create web services in php using NuSOAP. We will also look in to the basics of web services, SOAP …

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php mongodb tutorial – find, insert, update and delete records


Last updated:12th January, 2019php mongodb tutorial Mongodb is very popular open source, document based NoSQL database. In a previous NodeJS mongodb tutorial we explored how to perform CRUD operations on mongdb  database using nodejs. In this php mongodb tutorial you will learn how to fetch, insert, edit, delete records in a mongodb collection  using php. In this article following tasks are …

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php PDO and jQuery AJAX tutorial with example source code

Last updated:22nd March, 2021php PDO tutorial with jQuery AJAX PDO or PHP Data Objects is an extension of php that is used to access databases. In a previous post php MySQLi tutorial, we learned about mysqli extension. In this tutorial we are going to learn about php PDO library. mysqli extension is used with MySQL database only while PDO supports …

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How to generate xml files using php and mysql database

generate xml files using php and mysql

Last updated:5th February, 2022How to generate XML files using php XML is a popular data interchange and storage format used on the internet. XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. Custom markups can be created in XML. XML was designed to describe data while HTML was designed for data presentation. In a previous tutorial we learned how to parse XML using …

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php mysqli tutorial for beginners with example source code

php mysqli tutorial for beginners

Last updated:3rd March, 2021php mysqli tutorial for beginners Now a days  to develop complex web sites you must need database interaction. With PHP mostly we use MySQL. To access mysql database we can use mysqli or PDO libraries available in php. In this tutorial we are going to explore php mysqli library functions. PHP mysqli extension provides methods to perform …

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How to watermark images using codeigniter php framework

Watermark images using codeigniter

Last updated:6th May, 2017How to watermark images using codeigniter Codeigniter is very popular MVC php framework. Images can be processed very easily in codeigniter. In previous tutorials we discussed basics of GD library in php and codeigniter file upload. But if you need to upload and manipulate images like crop, rotate, resize or watermark images using codeigniter, this article explains …

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