
Top IT Certifications for Professionals in 2021 and beyond

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Last updated:18th March, 2021Top IT certifications for professionals in 2021 IT Certifications are your way to get ahead in your career as an IT professional. So, yes, these are certainly a validation regarding your proficiency in a certain area such as machine learning and data science, among others. However, it is important to note that these certifications are not the …

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RESTful API with sails js using MongoDB and MySQL

nidejs mvc frameworks with mysql and mongodb

Last updated:10th November, 2021RESTful API with sails js using MongoDB and MySQL Sails.js is a MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework built on top of Express framework. It is used to develop RESTful APIs and modern web applications. There are other Node js frameworks, like hapi, loopback but sails js is becoming very popular now a days. In a previous tutorial we created …

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Top databases for developers to learn In 2021 and beyond

best databases for developers to learn 2021

Last updated:4th March, 2021Top databases for developers to learn What is the best database software? What are the popular databases management system to learn in 2021? What are most widely used database management systems now a days? We will answer all these questions and discuss best databases for developers to learn but first, let answer, ‘what is a database’? A …

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How to create a restful api using nodejs and hapi framework

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Last updated:20th March, 2024How to create a restful api using nodejs and hapi framework Hapi framework is popular Nodejs framework. In this tutorial we are going to explore how to create a restful API using nodejs and hapi framework. In a previous Nodejs loopback restful api with authentication tutorial, loopback framework is used. Following tasks are performed in this tutorial. …

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Nodejs loopback restful api with authentication tutorial

nodejs loopback restful api tutorial

Last updated:17th September, 2018NodeJS loopback RESTful API Modern web and mobile apps often need to access backend servers using RESTful APIs. In this tutorial, you will learn to create a NodeJS loopback restful API with authentication. A bookstore API is created using Nodejs, MongoDB, and loopback. After that token based authenticated API is created. In a previous tutorial, we explored how …

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Nodejs file upload with mongodb – create a photo gallery using multer

Last updated:3rd March, 2021Nodejs file upload tutorial File upload is an important feature in modern day web applications. In some previous tutorials, Dynamic PHP photo gallery and CodeIgniter File Upload were explored in detail. This tutorial is about nodejs file upload with MongoDB using multer package. User uploads a photo with a caption to the server and is stored in a MongoDB database. Uploaded photos …

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nodejs user registration tutorial with mongodb

Last updated:9th March, 2019nodejs user registration tutorial Many of our readers requested to publish a NodeJs user registration tutorial with MongoDB. In some previous NodeJs tutorials, we explored NodeJS PassportJS Login, NodeJS send email tutorial and many others. In this tutorial, you are going to learn nodejs user registration with MongoDB. You can find the source code of this tutorial on this GitHub repository. …

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Import CSV file using nodejs and mongodb with ExpressJS and Mongoose

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Last updated:9th March, 2019Import CSV file using nodejs and MongoDB CSV or comma separated files are often used to export or import data in web applications. Generating CSV using Nodejs and MongoDB was explored in a previous article. In this tutorial,  you learn, how to import CSV file using NodeJS into MongoDB. In order to import CSV file using Nodejs and MongoDB, following …

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